Square News

Pauline Dwyer Square Sign

On October 3rd, 2009 The City of Somerville Dedicated the corner of Central and Berkeley Streets as Pauline Dwyer Square.

Cake The Dedication was held  -- Rain or Shine -- and rain it did!!

What a great day at the dedication!!  More about the dedication will be coming soon at the "
Square News" page.
Please send us any photos you have - or any photos you took at the dedication.  A lot of my photos didn't come out that well because of the weather, so please send any that you have!!

Be sure and sign the guest book, too! 

Click To Contact John Dwyer or Send Pictures


List Of Speakers

Senator Pat Jehlen (& Moderator)
City of Somerville's
Alderman At Large - Vice President of Aldermen:
John M. Connoly (Moderator)
R.E.S.P.O.N.D. Director: Jessica Brayden

Jean Marie Luce

Marie Siraco

Maryann Gallo

Debbie Gavin

Rainy Dedication

"We all go to different churches or no churches, we have
different favorite foods, different ways of doing all sorts of
things, but there we're all singing together."

- Pete Seeger

51 Berkeley St

51 Berkeley Street

Where it all began!

51 Berkeley St